Clement Attlee |
I’m achievement oriented; it’s one of the main reasons that I am an
interim manager. Let me list Attlee’s achievements in his six years as
Prime Minister:
- Created the NHS
- Implemented Beveridge’s plans for a system of social security
- Introduced family allowances and greatly increased the property rights of married women
- Built a million new homes
- Passed the Town and Country Planning Act and established the National Parks and New Towns
- Nationalised coal mining, railways and electricity generation
- Fully implemented the 1944 Education Act for which he had been responsible as wartime Deputy Prime Minister
The list could go on. All these benefited the UK and its people for
decades. For me personally the most significant was the last, because it
enabled a poor kid from the slums of Bethnal Green to go to university.
I owe everything I am and have to this man and his colleagues.
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