Thursday 4 May 2023

Fire and Fury

 It's election day, but counting won't take place until tomorrow afternoon, meaning it will be another 48 hours or so before I write something here along the lines that the voters of West Chevin ward don't know what they're doing. In the meantime let's have a third wargaming post in a row, possibly a record for the blog.

Mark brought round some of his ACW figures. He is inevitably in the middle of rebasing them - he is the king of rebasing - but he had completed enough for a small game. It had been probably getting on for twenty years since I had played the period and I had never played the rules used, so it was all a pleasant change. Mark opted for Brigade level Fire and Fury, and I found them easy enough to pick up. I can't vouch for how well they reflect the period, firstly because I don't know much about it and secondly because Peter and I, as Union commanders, decided that a suicidal charge across open ground was the best tactic to pursue. In fairness to us we also tried a flanking march around the woods on our left, but you can judge how successful that was by the fact that I didn't take any photos of the forces engaged in it.

I did take one of the highwater mark of our assault in the centre, but the boys in blue were driven back by the rebels' musketry and that's as close as we came to taking the objective. Despite everything, I enjoyed it. I have to caveat that by repeating that it was a small game and we started with all units having the same quality, weapons and size in order to keep things simple. But I'd be up for a larger, more complex game; once, of course, that Mark has rebased everything.


  1. Blimey, no Tories standing in your ward? So their voters all vote Lib Dem.. plus last time, Labour voters who disliked Corbyn will have gone for them too, so they swept the board. Perhaps you may benefit from a 'Starmer effect'? Good luck, anyway!

  2. A very attractive looking table, the hexes look lovely, as do the figures.

  3. One of my favourite rule sets!

