Sunday 26 May 2024

Stupid Boy

 No wargaming recently due to stuff. We are hoping to resume this Wednesday, technology willing.

In the meantime, there's going to be an election. I'm not sure I can do better than quote this week's Economist: "Whether this decision is an act of political genius or lunacy - and The Economist's money is on lunacy - Britons should welcome it". Bring it on, I say. So far it looks as if the Labour Party's plan to plant a mole to run the Tory's campaign for them is paying off, as they unveil one barking mad idea after another.


  1. We need the change - they've run out of ideas .

  2. It's the gift that keeps on giving*. Every day a new own goal. I'll say this for today's wheeze though - it'll help get the youth vote out.

    * The grift that keeps on giving will be ending soon.

  3. You are truly an 'influencer' - the Daily Star (the paper of record) has used your idea for its front page today, on Rishi's D-Day gaffe. It's Liz Truss and the lettuce all over again...

    1. There's no such thing as an original idea. In other words I pinched the photo from someone else as well. The remarkable thing in all this - apart obviously from Sunak's uselessness - is the continuing cultural relevance of a sixty year old TV programme.
