Tuesday, 7 January 2025

In Which I have Money To Spend, But Nowhere To Spend It

 Back to the Mexican Revolution, but probably not for long. So, I bought some 20mm Mexican Revolution figures on eBay for a price that I thought was reasonable, intending it to be the start of a new project. I knew how many figures overall and the split between foot and mounted, but nothing more (*). It didn't matter because the total quantity was such that I needed to top it up before I could play a game. That, of course, would not be a problem as there are three suppliers of 20mm Mexican Revolution figures: Shell Hole Scenics, Early War Miniatures (these being the two represented in my purchase) and Jacklex. Even as I analysed what I'd bought I discovered that Shell Hole Scenics had shut down. Disappointing, but no problem. I had, in parallel with the eBay transaction, ordered the Jacklex sampler for the period. This put me on their mailing list, which is how I found out last week that they had also, in their words, permanently closed. Well, there's always EWM. Or at least there may be in due course; their website is down, has been for some time, and despite their promises doesn't really show any signs of being brought back up to speed.

Your bloggist reviews potential new recruits

I am well aware that these are all small businesses and have every sympathy for the problems they face, among which are the inevitable difficulties in exporting to the EU now the UK is no longer a member (**). However, I do fear it is a sign of things to come in the hobby. Anyway, we've waited a long time for this project, looks like we're going to wait a bit longer.

* For the record there are about twice as many revolutionaries as federales.

** Although, reading between the lines, one of the owners voted for it and still hasn't acknowledged his error.


  1. I have never had the problem alluded to in the title of this post! Good luck with your quest!

  2. That’s frustrating.
    And note ** is proof that turkeys do sometimes vote for Christmas.

  3. It all sounds a bit Pancho and Lefty, that's for certain.
