Thursday, 6 March 2014

Warning: on-topic post

The problem with being able to post regularly is that it necessitates having something write about. After exhausting my cultural activities and wishing to steer away from some of the other ways I pass my time, I am left with a choice between a furniture update, a reasoned critique of the situation in Ukraine or some wargaming. As it happens, the toys win.

"Yay us"

There is no particular reason for this choice; certainly not the fact that I won the battle played out last night in the legendary wargames room of James 'Olicanalad' Roach, although should anyone be interested in my great victory full details can be found here. I will be the first to admit that the cards fell nicely for me. In fact on many turns my main problem was deciding which of two or three options to take. My dice rolling wasn't bad either, but I do think I'm entitled to a pat on the back for seizing the moment and making full advantage of the opportunities so as to scrape a win by the narrowest of margins. I'm gradually working out how to use the Romans in James' Command and Colours with figures hybrid ruleset. I still haven't quite sussed how to use the Triarii for anything other than turning round and sorting out any Numidians who have snuck round the back - a role they have had to perform for each of the last two battles - but I am working on it. The heroic death of my officer at the hands (feet?) of the elephants hasn't put me off throwing them into the fray; the law of averages says they should be immune for the rest of the campaign. As for which,there were no campaign moves last night which at least means the map didn't get any more blue.

1 comment:

  1. Elepantitus Maximus,
    I will select a well fed goat and sacrifice it, in your name, to Mars... Your victory was well deserved! C and C can be fun when the cards are in your favor.
