Sunday, 4 May 2014

No worries

Enough of strange folk customs that out forefathers may (or more likely may not) have been following since time immemorial. What about the wargaming?

Well, the run through of Zorndorf - the game that James is putting on at Triples - ended in a vaguely historical stalemate.Peter and the Russians had lots of troops, but no morale and I had the opposite. It was however a good game until that point. My grand cavalry charge didn't break through, but the impact in terms of initiative and morale chips prevented the Russians from counter attacking elsewhere. That and some continuing poor dice rolling on their part, except in melee where the cossacks stood up better than they had any right to.

Now then, rule changes. The latest involves a sort of quasi disordered/blown status as a result of interpenetrating. I think I'm comfortable with it, but I would make its removal free on turning of the appropriate card, at least for cavalry. My logic is that recovering from blown is the cavalry equivalent of reloading, which is free when the appropriate card is turned.

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