Friday, 12 September 2014


My Luxembourg correspondent has been complaining that my other, serious, work-related blog has not been updated for - and I'm paraphrasing - a yonk. This non-work-related and not at all serious blog is in danger of going the same way. I'm not sure why; perhaps having a wargames room negates the point of a blog which after all was originally specifically about not actually wargaming. Anyway, while I reflect on that existential point let's give a small nod to what's happening in the world.

The death of the Reverend Ian Paisley might seem a logical point at which to relate in detail the episode involving him, me and the giraffe, but perhaps the world is not yet ready. Others have commented on his character and the part he played in the history of the Troubles. For me the main memory I am left with from our infrequent and brief interactions is just how big he was physically - he was absolutely bloody enormous.

There has been more wargaming in the annexe, which followed a similar pattern to the previous week. James has the knack of just whittling away at enemy units just one stand at a time; before you know it they've disappeared and the game is over. Of course he did bring his own dice this week - just saying.

Which just leaves me time to post a photo of Ritchie Blackmore in a stupid hat.

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