Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Vapnartak 2025

 We played Ravenna again last week. The French won again, this time without even reaching the barricades of the Holy League, let alone crossing them. It is just possible that the scenario parameters (i.e. the number of morale chips) aren't quite right. On the other hand it was both fun and all over in an evening, both of which are factors not to be sniffed at. I'm afraid I only took this one, terrible photo.

I thought we were going to be doing the Italian Wars for a while, but this week - tomorrow in fact - promises something very different.

On Sunday I went to Vapnartak, and thought it was pretty poor. It was certainly rather empty, both of punters and traders; there never have been that many display games. One blogger I have read since compared it to the declining years of Triples. I didn't experience those due to 'an incident' after which we never returned. I hope the parallel doesn't prove to be accurate.

I went to York with one of my occasional companions, who was overall more positive than me, but then she'd never been to a wargames show before and was possibly just relieved that it wasn't as bad as her worst fears. She said that everyone there reminded her of her brother. Having observed their sibling relationship for a few years I don't think this was a compliment.

1 comment:

  1. Your last para made me laugh out loud, twice! I eagerly followed the link to the 2014 post re The Triples (whatever they are!) and then tried to see James' cogent argument referred to therein - but whatever it was he had to say about what seemed to be a run in with some jobsworths - he must have decided to remove it - because there is nothing on his blog relating to the Triples any more - just the buildup games and preparation - and then his post show post saying you are all starting something completely different - damn!
