Friday, 24 August 2012

Shock news

I did some painting. Or, to be more precise, I got out my painting tray and stared at the figures thereon desperately trying to remember what on earth I was doing when I packed it all away earlier in the year. It's all early 18th century; those who have been following this blog will understand that I was persuaded to particpate - in a small way - in a WSS project by a friend of mine. There is no overall plan that I have to stick to because, as I haven't yet explained, I was the only one who ever did anything. The WSS 20mm project, c'est moi.

So, in the finest tradition of all wargamers everywhere, I didn't continue with the part painted stuff. Instead I started something new by preparing, gluing and undercoating a dozen cuirassiers that I got from John Cunningham some months ago. I think that they will be Bavarian: d'Arco's and or Weickel's perhaps.

I now you are all desperate for painting tips, so here you are. I always undercoat in terracotta because if you subsequently miss a bit it doesn't matter so much as if you undercoat in white. You heard it here first.

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