Thursday, 21 February 2013

La Clemenza di Tito

After yesterday's shock on-topic posting we're once again in the world of high culture; Mozart to be precise. Opera North's new production has nearly finished its run and so I went off to see it last night with one of the £10 on-the-day seat in the gods offers. It was, as you would expect, excellent. It had the requisite top tunes, but much to my astonishment it ended happily - except perhaps if you were Lentulo, who seemed to lose a lot of blood after being stabbed by someone who was supposed to be on his side.

Beware redheads

Right, asks the rhetorical pedant, were there any wargaming connections? Well, Titus was of course a very successful general although we don't see much of that in the opera. Instead he suffers a succession of humiliating rejections when asking women to consider marrying him; so nothing at all there to remind us of the wargaming fraternity.

Anyway, in slightly more relevant news, I have been invited to actually play a game next week. Watch this space.

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