Monday, 25 November 2013


As part of last Friday's JFK commemoration Radio 2 ran a three hour programme reflecting minute by minute the period between the motorcade starting through Dallas and the swearing in of LBJ. I started listening because I was driving, but actually found myself enjoying its blend of reportage, analysis and music. There was a particularly affecting version of 'Abraham, Martin and John' (the song from which the title of the relevant blog posting came) by David McAlmont. My one complaint would be the continual references to it as 'the day the world grew up'. Considering that most people alive in November 1963 had lived through WWII this description was plainly ridiculous and cliched. Whatever the effect of that day it's hard to imagine it comparing with the dropping of the first atom bomb.

I normally restrict my boardgame comments to games played but I have to mention that I've bought a copy of Mush!Mush!. This is for no better reason than to print the following photograph of your bloggist mushing away like a good'un.

That's me at the back

And it's about time we resurrected the great debate about the sun. What better way than associating it with common sense?

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