Thursday, 26 September 2013

Stop me if you've heard this one

'Everything has been said before, but since no-one listens we have to keep going back and beginning all over again' - André Gide

A chap with a beard

So, Sidi Rezegh then. The final two sessions of the game were easily recognisable to the connoisseur. There were rule changes before, during and after the game and the scenery (to be specific the markers) was upgraded as well. In the end the result was a decisive victory for the Germans, but the British could conceivably have won until quite late in the day. And, in my opinion, the dominoes work.

It's a rather good looking game and well worth a look at Fiasco on October 27th. Exactly what rules will be being used (there are rumours of a rewrite of the use of smoke for example) is a mystery to all, including James, but it will definitely be easy on the eye.

'He travels best that knows when to return.' - Thomas More

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