Friday, 11 October 2013


I finally got to play with James' Punic War naval toys this week. We refought the battle of Ecnomus that James and Peter had played the previous week. I was the Romans and was tasked with reversing the heavy defeat that James had led them to. I didn't.

I did, however, thoroughly enjoy myself. In my formative wargaming days we played a lot of ancient galley battles with paper cut outs on the floor and I've always had a soft spot for it. I had, sort of, got a grip on the rules by the end and would play things slightly differently next time around. However, they provided what Piquet games usually do, an interesting game that could easily have gone the other way had the cards played out differently.

Readers will be pleased to note that the equatorial length of day was only briefly mentioned. There was some debate about the correct plural of the Latin word 'corvus', but in my opinion this lacks substance as the cause for debate because there is a correct answer that can easily be determined. Far more promising was the discussion as to how that plural might be pronounced. Given that Roman pronunciation is intrinsically unknowable I can see a great future for that particular discussion.

The Swedish Women's Volleyball Team

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