Sunday, 13 October 2013


Yesterday I took advantage of my new location in Ilkley to walk up on to the moor and take in the magnificent views of Wharfedale. And it was well worth the effort as you can see from the photo above. Still, apart from getting drenched and a blister, no harm was done.

Your bloggist is on the far left using his bushcraft to pass undetected

Today however was spent indoors, or to use the correct technical term, in the pub. The Leeds Meeples was relatively quiet, and I must confess that a couple of the games played were nbg. Anyway, I played Citadels, Playtest, Cards Against Humanity, Dixit and Resistance: Avalon. Frankly, of that lot the only one I'd like to own is the first. Still, if I hadn't played them then I'd never know.

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