Sunday, 8 December 2013


I went to Recon yesterday, a small show, but one always worth going to in my opinion. I went by train and was pleasantly surprised by how simple that was. I bought nothing (although I am increasingly hopeful that as my elder daughter might say "wargaming shit is gonna get real" quite soon), but had a couple of interesting conversations. One was with a chap who was trying to persuade me that his home grown rules were an accurate simulation of being a tank commander. I wouldn't know either way and nor, I suspect, would he. I also had a look at a participation game of Saga. I didn't join in, but certainly came away with the feeling that as a game - NB not simulation - it might work rather well.

Your bloggist in the centre, immediately before falling over

Today I went walking. Unexpectedly North Yorkshire turns out to be muddy in December. Who'd have thought it? And, in another turn up for the books, it got quite cold by the time we'd finished.


  1. The home grown rules man had almost certainly captured the True Flavour of tank warfare. I have always been suspicious of this phrase, which I used to read a lot. Once, after I had read it (again) in connection with the then-latest Halsall & Roth tome on Napoleonic unpleasantness, I mentioned this to my late Uncle Les, who was a veteran of the fighting after D-Day, though he seldom spoke of it. He said that the real True Flavour of warfare he remembered was American meat stew, eaten lukewarm from the can with a teaspoon, which still made him shudder at the thought.

    Digression: Following previous discussion of Carcassonne, am pleased to say I bought it and we play it regularly, so thanks for that. We have the version with the river included, and are now gently looking at expansions…

    Don't ever let anyone claim that your blog is not helpful.

  2. At Recon there was a board game seller offering 15% off marked prices. The Carcassonne was marked at £28 which I was pretty sure was the same price as at the game shop in Leeds. So, did I buy it, save £4.20 and add a game that I know I like to my collection? Of course not; that would be far too sensible and would give me nothing to moan about.

  3. Not a very exotic supplier, but Amazon have the basic game with river for £22.

  4. Which presumably they achieve by not paying any tax. Actually I have a problem with mail order at the moment simply because of my peripatetic, no-fixed-abode lifestyle. Hopefully next month will sort that out and I will be back to having the same problem as everyone else, namely not being in when the delivery comes.
