Thursday, 9 August 2012

What the world needs

Presumably no-one could possibly disagree that what the world needs above all else is another blog about wargaming. But, just for the sake of argument, let's invent someone who takes the opposite view. "Look," he says (I think it needs no explanation as to why even an imaginary person with an opinion about wargaming is a he) "there are loads of blogs on the subject. They are written by people who can write better than you can, who can paint better than you can, who know more about the subject than you do, whose opinions are  worth reading and who actually do some wargaming every now and then."

It's the last point that's the clincher. Yes, there are wargaming blogs, but they are all written by people who actively participate in the hobby. Where are the blogs by the dillettantes? Where is the blog that takes a more, how shall we say, philosophical approach?

Step forward Epictetus.

P.S. And while I'm here can I pass on a red hot tip: there will be no Grand National in 2020 due to a massive hoax perpetrated by an evil race of lizard-men, so don't bother organising a sweepstake at work.

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