Wednesday 12 July 2023

I Name The Guilty Man

 There's a scandal in the UK - and I mean the UK - concerning a 'household name' of whom I for one was completely unaware until all this blew up. The question I always ask myself on occasions such as this is cui bono? Rupert Murdoch would benefit commercially from a weakened BBC; Rupert Murdoch is attacking the BBC. Quelle surprise! Of course I could be being unfair to him; maybe he is genuinely very strongly against powerful men having relationships with much younger women.

Fun fact: did you know that Samantha Fox - to take just one example - was only seventeen the first time that people employed by Rupert Murdoch took sexual images of her and printed them in a publication owned by him.


  1. For a moment I thought this was going to be about ‘the Email’ or about the reason the 29 year old with a few months’ experience of public service was ennobled.
    It’s all business as usual for the Dirty Digger.


  2. You are not accusing Murdoch, the Sun or journalists in general of hypocrisy, are you - surely shome mishtake!
