Sunday, 16 June 2013


I've never seen this film.

Which is why I have used a picture of the wrong robot. Anyway, a few small things to report:
  • I saw the latest Star Trek film; none of it made any sense whatsoever. The villain was well done, both as a character and the acting by Benedict Cumberbatch, but that was about it. Complete tosh. The upcoming films in the trailers didn't look much better. I might go and see The Lone Ranger where they seem to have avoided the temptation to develop it as a sort of Pirates of the Caribbean or Raiders of the Lost Ark style action romp. Instead it seems to be a rather sensitive contemplation on the love that dares not speak its name. As the poet Shelley put it: 
                               "Maybe masked man he a poofter
                                 Try it on with surly Tonto
                                 Let me say to mister lawman
                                 Tonto doesn't mind."

  • I saw a magic show. I honestly thought that it was going to be a serious discussion on magic versus science, but it turned out to be a bloke doing card tricks. Still, who doesn't like a conjuror? And I'm no exception.
  • I saw Seth Lakeman, who I have seen described amongst other things as the Michael Bublé of fiddle-playing. I've no idea what that means, but I suspect it's not complimentary. I thoroughly enjoyed it except for the fact that the show on in the Grand's main house was The Rocky Horror Show. There is possibly nothing grimmer than men wearing stockings and suspenders.

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